Thank you for your interest in submitting a one-page abstract outlining your idea for a short (approximately 2,500-word) paper or short (approximately 10-minute) media production addressing the intersection of AI and Open Education.
Your abstract should describe the components of your full paper: your idea, challenges addressed, key questions posed, and how these components will be structured in the full submission. The full submissions that the jury selects will receive awards of $2,500 upon publication, to support the work and its continuation. Please find below guidelines for submitting your proposal, and the submission portal on Airtable.
Abstract deadline: September 1, 2024, 11:59pm AOE (Anywhere on Earth)
Format and file type:
Your proposal should be in PDF format and titled, "AI and Open Education - [Proposal Title]"
The file name should not include your name. All abstracts will be reviewed in a double-blind process with reviewer pool transparency, where authors are anonymized and specific reviewers are selected at random from a jury pool visible to the author
Page length: 1 standard (A4) page, minimum 11pt font
Margins: minimum 1-inch (2.5 cm)
Double-blind reviewing: all submissions must be anonymized and may not contain any information with the intention or consequence of violating the double-blind reviewing policy, including (but not limited to) citing previous works of the authors in a way that indicates any author’s identity or affiliation (e.g. “in our previous work [cite]”). If aspects of your work are already public, describe those components (e.g. the type of data in a dataset and its usage) without violating the anonymity policy.
Changes in authorship: The author list submitted with the proposal is considered final, though author order may change upon publication.
Existing work: your abstract can address a project or initiative already in process, but should describe the future of that project as it relates to the open education ecosystem. All writing should be original, and not adapted from an existing published description of the work, or a submission under consideration for publication in another venue.
Research involving human subjects: while we acknowledge that standards for IRB vary across borders and institutions, research involving human subjects will be required (upon full submission) to provide evidence that it adhered to the authors’ home institution’s procedures for obtaining IRB approval or was eligible for an exemption.
Evaluation criteria:
Alignment with the Initiative’s goal to identify measurable next steps for exploring the challenges and opportunities of an open education ecosystem inhabited and shaped by AI systems
Intellectual merit of the proposal
Innovation and creativity in addressing the challenges and opportunities of an AI-shaped open education ecosystem
Attention to equity issues within an open education ecosystem shaped by AI
Ability of the publication to inspire generative conversations between leaders across sectors of higher education, non-profits, industry and philanthropy that will lead to the development of AI as public goods in the open ecosystem
Relevance of the proposal to a general audience; proposals should have broad appeal and be readable by experts and the general public
Clarity of communication
Abstract decisions will be released September 30, 2024. Selected abstracts will then be invited to submit a full paper or media production by November 15, 2024, and will receive instructions for the full submission upon acceptance. All deadlines are 11:59pm AOE (Anywhere on Earth).